Save the Mountain of Saydet El Hosn - Ehden - North Lebanon

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A new development project on Saydet al Hosen Holy Mountain in Ehden North Lebanon:

The project is to take place from the security house to the souvenir shop. It's a 3 story high covering 3,000 square meters, it includes; a parking lot, terrace and cafeteria, conference room/ hall that will be topped by a cross, as well as a foyer/ small apartments for rent that will be used at the beginning as residence for the priests, as well as a panoramic restaurant.

We, people of Ehden Zgharta, refuse the new planned project on Saydet El Hosn Holy Mountain for the following reasons:

1-      The project will have many negative effects on the environment

2-      The project will take away the serenity of this Holy place of prayer

3-      The area is in need of more important and urgent projects

4-      The project will cause economical damages to business owners in Ehden

5-      The visual deformation of the mountain

6-      The destruction of collective memories related to this symbolic place.

To follow us on Facebook search for the group: Jabal Saydet

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