Breast Cancer Vaccine

The simplicity of the vaccine, one that has proven successful at not only preventing new breast cancer tumors from growing in the mice predisposed to the condition, but also blocked the growth of new breast cancer tumors.  This is the most important part because it can be used as an effective treatment in women with metastatic cancer.  I have stage IV breast cancer. I would like to see this pushed through to be used for metastatic breast cancer as soon as possible.
Dr. Tuohy is asking Congress to fund this vaccine and the funds are needed for human trials to begin.   Please help make this happen.  Imagine the impact on our health care crisis if it did not have to fund this disease. Imagine not having to pay death benefits to 40,000.  It will save all the women and men we love in our lives.

Dr. Vincent Tuohy from the Cleveland Clinic has found a vaccine to cure breast cancer.  For over the past eight years he has worked on this vaccine.

The simplicity of the vaccine, one that has proven successful at not only preventing new breast cancer tumors from growing in the mice predisposed to the condition, but also blocked the growth of new breast cancer tumors.  This is the most important part because it can be used as an effective treatment in women with metastatic cancer.   I would like to see this pushed through to be used for metastatic breast cancer.
Women and men with breast cancer have been praying for the breast cancer vaccine, especially women and men who are suffering from it and are out of options with chemotherapy and current treatments.  We don%u2019t want our children to be afflicted with the same condition, having to undergo biopsies or chemotherapy and various other treatments that we have endured.
Dr. Tuohy is asking Congress to fund this vaccine and the funds are needed for human trials to begin.  There is currently 2.5 million women with breast cancer in the United States and over 40,000 will die this year of breast cancer.  Please help make this happen.  Imagine the impact on our health care crisis if it did not have to fund this disease. Imagine not paying death benefits to 40,000.  It will save all the women and men we love in our lives.

We can't afford to wait any longer Send a letter to your senators urging them to fund this vaccine so it can get to the people who need it as soon as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and respond. 

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