Project 2025 Would Make Hurricanes Worse. Stop Republican Plans to Dismantle Climate Protections!

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it's a reality that impacts our lives every day. Recent storms, including Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, have wreaked havoc on communities, causing loss of life and devastating destruction. Experts warn that these disasters are becoming increasingly severe, and if we don't take action, the consequences will only worsen.

Unfortunately, a terrifying plan known as Project 2025, championed by right-wing Republicans, threatens to exacerbate this climate crisis.

Sign the pledge to keep Republicans and other climate deniers out of office this November!

Project 2025 targets a wide variety of areas for Republican micromanagement and restrictions, including reproductive health, LGBTQ rights, education, and more. It also targets environmental conservation and climate justice by essentially planning to shut down or shrink government agencies that could help mitigate the rapidly imploding climate crisis we are all facing.

Some of the ways Project 2025 intends to do this include: "breaking up and downsizing" the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), restructuring the National Weather Service (NWS) to be "fully commercialize[d]" and profit-motivated, instead of serving the public good, and completely reconfiguring the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Imagine a world where vital storm warnings are only available behind a paywall, accessible only to those who can afford it. That's the future Project 2025 envisions, which would ultimately lead to more deaths and suffering during natural disasters.

NOAA and NWS are crucial organizations for providing accurate weather forecasts and research into future climate patterns, which benefits all citizens. Experts credit NOAA's use of climate data in its forecast modeling as a major reason its predictions about Hurricane Helene were so accurate.

But Republicans are out for vengeance because these agencies won't deny the existence of climate change. In fact, Project 2025 labels NOAA a leading member "of the climate change alarm industry," hence Republicans' desire to dismantle the agency. With FEMA, the plan is apparently to reduce aid for natural disasters and terminate the federal flood insurance program.

Hurricanes Helene and Milton have already shown us the dangers of inaction, devastating communities in North Carolina and Florida. If we let Project 2025 go into effect, we will not only face harsher weather through worsening climate change, but we will also have fewer resources to respond effectively when disaster strikes.

Join us in pledging to vote for Kamala Harris and other Democratic candidates in the upcoming election! By doing so, we can prevent the dangerous implementation of Project 2025 and support policies that protect our planet and its people.
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