Tell General Mills to Pledge to Maintain Organic Standards for Annie's Homegrown!

Since its founding in 1989, Annie's Homegrown has remained true to its philosophy of producing wholesome, organic foods. Today, the brand still carries the name of its founder Annie Withey, and the illustrated "seal of approval" featuring her one-time pet bunny, Bernie. 

Though much has remained the same over the years, Annie's was recently acquired in an $820 million takeover by food giant General Mills. CEO Ken Powell assures Annie's fans that their products will remain largely unchanged, but many are cynical. It's hard to believe that a mega-rich company like General Mills will stay true to the Annie's Homegrown vibe. Sign the petition and ask General Mills to formally pledge to maintain organic standards for Annie's!

Annie's is one of the only companies that provides wholesome alternatives to kid-friendly convenience foods like macaroni and cheese, one-pot pasta dinners and cheese crackers. Without its high-quality, organic ingredients and cute, artful design, the brand will become just another line of junk food. Please sign the petition to urge General Mills to stick to their word and keep Annie's Homegrown the way it is!

We, the undersigned, are concerned about potential changes to the Annie's Homegrown brand after its recent acquisition by General Mills.

Since its founding in 1989, Annie's Homegrown has remained true to its philosophy of producing wholesome, organic foods. Today, the brand still carries the name of its founder Annie Withey, and the illustrated "seal of approval" featuring her one-time pet bunny, Bernie. 

Though you assure Annie's fans that their products will remain largely unchanged, many are cynical. It's hard to believe that a company with your abundant resources will stay true to the Annie's Homegrown vibe. We are asking you, General Mills, to formally pledge to maintain organic standards for Annie's!

Annie's is one of the only companies that provides wholesome alternatives to kid-friendly convenience foods like macaroni and cheese, one-pot pasta dinners and cheese crackers. Without its high-quality, organic ingredients and cute, artful design, the brand will become just another line of junk food. We respectfully urge you to stick to your word and keep Annie's Homegrown the way it is. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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