Don't let Russia steal the election

Russia is trying to steal the election, and hand it to Trump. Through a sophisticated effort know as "Doppelgänger", it is creating and distributing content favorable to Trump, and hiding the source. This is illegal in about a thousand different ways.

But the Biden-Harris administration, and the Justice Department in particular, is fighting back:

"As part of the Doppelganger investigation, the DOJ said it seized 32 internet domains used in the effort, and named Russian companies Social Design Agency (SDA), Structura National Technology (Structura), and ANO Dialog as being involved in the effort.

The effort involved Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle, including First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Vladilenovich Kiriyenko, it said." (source)

We can't afford to have a hostile foreign power steal our election, and put Trump back in power as a puppet. The Justice Department needs to fight back hard, use all the resources necessary, and ensure that our elections are free, fair, and not the plaything of Vladimir Putin.  And if Republican leaders try to block the effort, they should be charged as well.

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