The animal control situation in Barbados has reached a desperate level. Dogs and cats roam the streets and fill the shelters and the pound as a result of various factors including over-breeding, neglect, abuse, and lack of education of owners. Legislation is in place to protect these animals from unsuitable owners and environments but needs updating and the enforcement of animal right laws seems to have taken the back seat.
Animal lover or not, the situation influences us all. Pets and livestock which are not being taken care of pose a significant HEALTH RISK. Water left to become stagnant provides a perfect breeding ground for DISEASE-CARRYING MOSQUITOES and increase the chance of the animal becoming sick (this can influence the quality of meats we purchase and may even cause the general population to cast a doubtful eye on local meats/eggs). Roaming animals which raid the garbage cans for scraps encourage vectors of disease (rats, mice, roaches, etc.) to live and breed in our neighbourhoods, around our schools and places of business.
Registered voters and potential visitors to the island want to know who will support the fight against animal cruelty in this country.
Who will push for a speedy update and proper enforcement of the animal control and dog licensing act legislation?
Who will recognize that we in Barbados have a major problem with animal cruelty and neglect and take action?
The government is only as strong as the people who back them. We need our government to take a deeper look into the animal control problem and understand that taking steps to ensure the update and strict enforcement of animal control laws is beneficial to the overall health of the island, as it relates to its people, its visitors, and its animals.
Elections are fast approaching and we need a clear plan for the update and enforcement of the animal control laws in the manifestos of running parties. Please take some time to sign this petition challenging our government to make a change by listing your name and constituency/country below if you believe this is a major concern and it’s time for action.
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