Don't let youth get away with a slap on the wrist if they commit a crime that kills animals

A 15-year-old youth from Manchester has set fire to an animal shelter, where 50 dogs painfully burned to death. Deliberately and fully aware of the consequences. Why does a person commit such a terrible and incomprehensive crime and can somebody like that  still be called human. I demand of the English judiciary that this act must be punished harshly. This is not a harmless prank. I also ask that the parents are held accountable. They must pay part of the debt, parents are responsible for their children. Everybody who tortures and kills animals must be punished, no matter how old he is. This is murder and murderers belong in jail under psychological care. Meanwhile the boy is already out on bail and back with his family - we need as many people to sign as possible ASAP. Thank you

Please sign also this petition. Margaret needs your signatures to get justice for those poor dogs.

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