Save Mexican Gray Wolves & Oppose Bill S. 2876

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: U. S. Congress

Wolves continue to be in danger of extinction nationwide, including the Mexican Gray Wolves.  A new bill has been proposed that would literally derail any protection of these critically endangered animals.  Read more at;jsessionid=8CC3602D0EB542EAA646FF05B6C21C23.app216a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3075&s_src=3WDE1608B1TX1&s_subsrc=051616_MexicanGray_a2d_nondonors&autologin=true&utm_campaign=Loboa2d&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nondonors

Senators Flake and McCain introduced bill S. 2876 that would lead to the extinction of the world’s most endangered wolf, the gray or lobo wolf.  The Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan Act is designed through a “hijack and destroy” strategy, as stated in the article. The recovery and protection of these wolves would be stripped away.  This bill would be a direct attack on recovery efforts, while allowing for a “hostile takeover” of the lobo or Mexican gray wolf.  Many states are not committed to the recovery of these wolves.

The effort in this petition is to urge Congress to Oppose Bill S. 2876 that would undermine the Endangered Species Act and recovery efforts of the highly endangered Mexican Gray Wolf. These animals need to be protected through recovery and management.  This bill would destroy all recovery efforts and lead to extinction.  You can help with this effort by signing and sharing this petition, adding your own ideas and comments.

U. S.  Congress – As a concern citizen and conservationist, I strongly urge you to oppose bill S. 2876.  The bill undermines the Endangered Species Act and recovery efforts of the highly endangered Mexican Gray Wolf.  Bill S. 2876 that would lead to the extinction of the world’s most endangered wolf, the gray or lobo wolf.  The Mexican Gray Wolf Recovery Plan Act is designed through a “hijack and destroy” strategy, as stated in the article. The recovery and protection of these wolves would be stripped away.  This bill would be a direct attack on recovery efforts, while allowing for a “hostile takeover” of the lobo or Mexican gray wolf.  Oppose this bill and continue protection of the Mexican Gray Wolves.

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