Moberly Middle School Dress Code
While we believe that the dress code is generally in place to protect us and our learning environment in school, we believe that the dress code is too strict, and biased unfairly to girls. We propose that school dress codes should be changed. We suggest the following re-writes of the limitations.
Limitation 1 should be re-written as the following:
"1. Extreme brevity of attire will not be acceptable. [i.e.: short shorts, excessively short shirts, and any bottoms that expose the base of the student's butt. Excessively low cut tops, tube tops and bare-midriff clothing (when arms are by one's side) are prohibited.]
Jeans/pants with holes in them, the holes must be lower than the top of the inseam, not show skin, or have patching under the hole."
Limitation Number 2 should be removed, as Limitation 1 has been amended to cover it.
Limitation 3 should now be Limitation 2, and remain the same.
Limitation 4 should now be Limitation 3, and remain the same.
The paragraph beyond the four limitations should be re-written as follows:
"All pants must be pulled up on the waistband at all times, and sagging is not permitted. Any teacher or student who is dressed in such a way that the educational process is being disrupted, will be referred to the building administrator, who will make the final determination as to the appropriateness of the student's dress. Repeated issues will result in consequences under the discipline policy."
We firmly believe that the above small changes to the dress code will be helpful in keeping the student body comfortable, safe, and happy.
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