Keep Fishing in the Bahamas for Bahamians!

We the undersigned call upon Prime Minister Christie to cancel any and all negotiations on the proposed Chinese Fishing/Agriculture venture and to keep fishing 100% for Bahamians. Additionally, we urge that crown lands be granted to Bahamians for farming and that the back log of applications for crown lands be assessed as a matter of priority.

Atualização #28 anos atrás
It's been 21 days since the story broke about the Bahamas government's secret deal to hand over 50% of our fisheries to the Chinese. The Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Alfred Gray says the deal is still on the table. Tell him NO WAY. By law fisheries is owned by Bahamians 100% - please continue to share this petition!
Atualização #18 anos atrás
Thanks to you all we're at 3,700 supporters! Thank you all very much for signing and sharing this petition.
Your comments on the petition are also very appreciated.
We need to impress upon our leaders how important it is that we PROTECT our fisheries and our crown land.
Please continue to share this petition. Let's blow this "deal" OUT OF THE WATER!
Thank you all!
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