Make all animal abuse a felony in the United States of America

  • destinatário: The President of the United States

Every day animals are abused. Some are beaten to death, tortured to death by mulitlation. Some are even shot and killed. Some are even poinsoned because people claim they are a menance and want to get rid of them. Some are in puppy mills that have no baths, no food, matted up from no proper care. Some pitbulls in the United States are used for fighting and owners make them fight until death. If this bill is passed it would make it a felony to commit any such acts. Animals are like our family and should be treated like family. The bill would outlaw puppy mills of any kind and also put more money into funding animal welfare across the United States. I am trying to get something done as I love animals. Please sign the petition if you care.

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