Give Nonimmigrants American Visas and Fair Employment Now!

Immigrants have been denied American visas for way long. The current work based and family visa limit per country is seven percent. The main countries with the most visa recipients are Mexico, China and India. This petition advocates to reserve visas for individuals from other countries who do not allows get accepted and for health care occupations with understaffing issues such as nursing and occupational therapy. Another concern is unfair employment. Some employers will only hire h1b visa holders and that limits job opportunities.

What I would like is to raise the per capita limit to fifteen percent. Additionally, stop employers from posting job openings that are only catered to hb1 visa holders and an employers staff should only contain fifty percent of visa holders to allow other people employment. Jobs that contain more than 50 percent of nonimmigrants can easily take advantage of them. Lastly, nonimmigrant visa holders should be granted permanent residency if they've waited over two years or have a valid visa petition.


McCormick, R. (n.d.). H.R.6542 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Immigration Visa Efficiency and security act of 2023 | | library of Congress.

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