• por: Bill C
  • destinatário: BC Crown Counsel &Galen Weston Loblaws President

Due to the MFA video shown on CTV on June 13 2017, a corporate farm has been exposed with grotesque animal abuse happening daily.Mercy for Animals was under cover for a long period and exposed this extreme abuse of poultry. This has to end in Canada now , there is no need for this type of animal abuse when laws are in place to prevent it. Lilydale is the end user of these abused animals, Lilydale would have more power than the government to ensure this type of abuse ends. Sign the petition and pass on the word to boycott any Lilydale products.

VANCOUVER — Animal advocates say they have opened an investigation into “absolutely sickening” alleged animal abuse by a chicken-catching service in Chilliwack, B.C.

B.C. SPCA spokeswoman Marcie Moriarty says the agency has launched a formal investigation after receiving undercover video that allegedly shows multiple workers throwing, hitting, dismembering and killing the birds, and forcing the animals into violent sexual acts with each other.

She says the workers were hired to round up chickens for transport to a slaughter plant in Port Coquitlam.

Moriarty says the footage was shot by a non-profit animal advocacy group between May 10 and June 9.

Investigators with the B.C. SPCA are now working on a report that will be forwarded to Crown counsel and Moriarty says they will be recommending multiple charges of animal cruelty under both the Criminal Code and the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Help bring these abusers ( Elite Farm Services Ltd. in Chilliwack) to justice and make the producer feel the scorn of the end user. Mercy for Animals is urging Canadian consumers to put pressure on Loblaw president Galen Weston to adopt “meaningful animal welfare policies” to ensure that animals sold in stores are not tortured. Lilydale chicken products are sold in Loblaws/Safeway stores across Canada.

Thanks and god bless! 

Atualização #17 anos atrás
Thank you so much for signing the petition and pledging to Boycott Lilydale products in Canada. we have in 3 days received over 1600 signatures and that is awesome! Please pass on the word and have your friends and contacts sign too, we would like to end up with 10,000 signatures to have real impact on the Crown Counsel. Thanks you again so much for doing your part to protect food animals from needless harm,pain,stress and disease!
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