TripAdvisor, Issue Warning That Bermuda is Anti-LGBTQ

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: TripAdvisor CEO: Stephen Kaufer

According to TripAdvisor, Bermuda is a small island big on charm and personality. But that glowing review of the Atlantic island nation has now been tarnished, especially for people of the LGBTQ community.

Last year, in a Supreme Court ruling, Bermuda became one of the only islands in the Americas to legalize same-sex marriage. It was a staunch rejection of the status quo that left the practice illegal or unrecognized on other islands. Yet, less than a year later, the legislature decided they wanted nothing to do with it and banned it outright.

Now gay and lesbian couples are only allowed domestic partnerships, not marriage equality. This is not only a step back but a slap in the face for the LGBTQ community in Bermuda that fought hard for the right.

TripAdvisor is often a traveler's first source when researching where they would like to travel to next. Now that this law has been passed and Bermuda has shown they no longer want the "pink dollar" TripAdvisor should make sure to let their users know about Bermuda's new policy by warning them that the country has recently passed anti-gay legislation.  

Travelers should know where they are welcome, not only for their safety but so they can support destinations that embrace them for who they are.

Care2 would like you to join us in asking TripAdvisor warn users about Bermuda's recent anti-gay turn.

Atualização #36 anos atrás
The Bermuda Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that gay couples would be able to marry once again on the island, declaring a law rescinding same-sex couples’ marriage rights unconstitutional. However, it’s not a victory for gay rights just yet. The country has 6 weeks to decide if they will appeal.
Atualização #27 anos atrás
Celebrities are joining the cause and boycotting Bermuda as well. Ellen DeGeneres, Tegan and Sara and Patricia Arquette are some of the well-known to speak out. Let's keep the pressure up to show Bermuda what they'll lose if they truly ban gay marriage again.
Atualização #17 anos atrás
Our efforts are working! Bermuda has delayed their gay marriage ban for three months to accommodate already planned weddings. This shows that the pressure from us via the tourism industry is working. Let’s keep calling for TripAdvisor to make this change!
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