"It's Time to End the Barbaric Use of Steel Jaw Traps, Now !"

    If you've ever seen field pictures of a wild animal caught in a steel jaw trap, then you know the agony they go thru until they either die or the trapper comes to kill them. The trap is ɓloody & cruel. This would be bad enough if it was only wild animals caught in these traps of torture. I've had 3 dogs caught in these steel jaw traps at different times in the woods around my house, 2 died & 1 lost a front leg. One that died was still a puppy & was my baby. Countless other people have lost pets as well in these traps, knowing their beloved animals died a horrible death. We should be able to charge the trapper with animal abuse !
    Believe it or not, even children & people have been caught in the traps ! I can't say how widespread this is but it happens. Still the steel jaw traps are set & used all over the place.
    There are alternatives. Other traps are available. None of these alternatives would be as low cost. But they also wouldn't be like a torture device or catch our beloved pets. For the wonderful added benefits I feel like the extra cost would be money well spent.
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