A Teacher Urged Her Students to Staple a Live Cat in Class. Demand Justice!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Palestine Texas Police Department and Texas State Board of Education

In a deeply disturbing incident at a high school in Texas, an educator allegedly instructed students to staple a live cat during a class. This appalling act not only traumatized the animal but also exposed students to inhumane behavior under the guise of education.

Sign this petition to demand mandatory psychological counseling for the educator who did this, and urge the implementation of strict protocols and training for all educational staff on humane treatment and proper educational methods involving animals!

News reports indicate that the cat was alive and actively resisting as students held it down. The teacher claimed this horrifying incident was meant to be educational. It is hard to imagine the distress experienced by both the cat and the students during this appalling event.

This incident sets a dangerous precedent for what is acceptable in our educational institutions.

Sign the petition to demand immediate action and long-term change when it comes to handling animals in Texas schools!

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