Freedom for blind elephant without teeth that being abused

    Blind Elephant without teeth
    Thechikottukav Ramachandran (Blind elephant without teeth) is beeing tortured while travelling in Cargo Lorry at capital city of Kerala on 25th May 2018. This kiler elephant having skinny body was transported under scorching sunlight from Trichur to Thiruvanathapuram covering more than 400 km for a bizarre ceremony of openeing the Doors of a Bhagavathy Temple in Sreekaryam. Even though this blind elephant is not able to see the idol of that temple or door of the temple or any object in front of it, this blind elephant is beeing tortured for this type of commercial purposes as Thechikkottukave devaswom is interested to earn money for the limited remaining life period of that ailing. The most irony in this drama is that the sreekaryam temple have erected abroad in the premises of the temple stating that elephants are not allowed to enter its premises . This type of exhibition of elephant is sponsered by these temples as part of a propeganta to increase the publicity for the festival elephants for the encashment of money for the next festival season. Everyone gathered around to take pictures and video of a blind, beaten and chained elephant. This poor soul is suffering daily, Denied all that is natural like proper rest, food, water. I’m absolutely disgusted with India’s lack of compassion for this elephants and all its elephants. Wake the FUCK up India. All of your elephants are being tortured to death and most are blind because of it, still forced to participate in your ridiculous events. There is no beauty in someone’s stolen freedom. ONLY the weak prey on the innocent.
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