• por: Baddie Winkle
  • destinatário: Blue Mountains Council, The government

The RSPCA told staff last week they had just six months of work before the doors were permanently shut. The shelter takes in surrendered, abandoned, injured, neglected and stray animals. It has found new homes for more than 1300 animals over the years and its office wall is lined with photos and letters from people grateful for the happiness their new pets have brought to their lives. Mr Coleman said the Blue Mountains branch would continue with an online presence and he hoped animals could be fostered or adopted that way. He said Katoomba was to be axed because of its “proximity” to other shelters, notably Yagoona and Orange, and because of an increase in vehicles driving through the Mountains which would be available to transport animals to new homes or other facilities. The RSPCA is also closing its Dubbo facility and the animal adoptions component at Tweed Heads.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION TO HOPEFULLY HELP PUT A STOP TO THIS. Locals of the blue mountains will be hosting a fundraiser throughout different suburbs from Blaxland to Bathurst to help raise money in the upcoming weeks.

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