RPS: Better With Bedden

Let's show our support of Dr. Dana Bedden and encourage him to stay and continue to lead Richmond City Public Schools.

Dear Dr. Bedden,

As a broad consortium of business, non-profit and community leaders, we are writing to express our unified hope that you remain in your role as Superintendent of Richmond City Public Schools.

The challenges you have faced since you began your tenure here have been great. No doubt there are many trials that have transpired out of public view. But we want you to know that we support the change you have led, and we thank you for your strong, courageous leadership in the face of the innumerable challenges.

We appreciate the team you have recruited, the risks you have taken, the vision you have cast and the strategic plan you have charted.

We believe that though it will take time for enduring change and stability to transpire, we are convinced that you are the leader our city needs to make it happen.

We stand behind you and we stand with you. We believe that this is a challenge worth your engagement for the long term.

We’re better with you, Dr. Bedden!

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