We Will Fight For Equality, Progress, and Hope

It is with profound grief that we write to you today. Donald Trump has won his bid for reelection, and will be the next President of the United States.

Donald Trump is a convicted felon and insurrectionist who won on a platform of hate, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, Islamophobia, climate change denial, and anti-science rhetoric. We are gutted. But we are ready to fight.

Will you pledge to join us?

Trump may have won the presidency, but we are the true heart of the country. Our LGBTQ+ loved ones, our immigrant communities, our BIPOC neighbors, people living in poverty, disabled folks, and so many more groups need us now more than ever. We recommit to stand with anyone, in the United States or abroad, facing persecution, violence, or oppression. We promise to defend the earth and our public lands, to push for policies that slow climate change, and to protect the wildlife and endangered species that deserve to thrive.

In this election, many, many millions of us voted for the path of progress, love, and equality. That path is one we will forge for the next four years, tirelessly and with conviction. We ask that you join us.

Today, we mourn for what could have been. Tomorrow, we fight to save every bit of our future we can.

Please sign and pledge to fight for equality, love and progress.

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