Another horrific tragedy has struck, this time at a high school in Georgia, where a 14-year-old boy unleashed gunfire, leaving four people dead—two of them children—and nine others injured. This is not just another incident; it is yet another reminder of the lethal consequences of inaction in our society's death culture, where the lives of born children are not adequately protected.

    We, as concerned citizens, are outraged and heartbroken. This is not the America we envision, where children and teachers are gunned down in what should be safe havens of learning. The fact that a 14-year-old could so easily access a firearm and bring this level of devastation to a school is unacceptable.

    We refuse to accept that this is the price of our freedom. We cannot stand by while our children continue to be sacrificed due to the lack of common-sense gun laws. It’s time to confront the reality that the lives of born children must matter more than the political status quo. Our schools should be places of safety, not war zones.

    The time for urgent action is now. We demand the immediate implementation of strict gun laws to end this death culture that threatens our children every day. We owe it to the victims of this tragedy, and to every child in America, to make their safety our top priority.

    We the people demand that our Federal, State, and Local representatives in both the executive and legislative branches enact strong gun laws before the upcoming election on November 5th. This is non-negotiable. Our children's lives are at stake, and we will not tolerate further inaction.

    It’s time to fight back

    against the death culture that has gripped our nation. We must do something sign and share this petition now. Together, we can make our voices heard and ensure that our children are protected.
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