Demand an End The Annual Removal of Nesting Ducks & Ducklings

  • por: Cherif Bouziane
  • destinatário: Resident/Owners at Harbour Square Housing Coop. in SW Washington, DC 200224

The annual removal of nesting ducks and their ducklings has become a ruthless practice at our water garden which was originally designed by the architect to welcome the 1 or 2 new families on our premise. We demand an end this new annual removal of nesting ducks and their ducklings. Ducks are part of our area of the southwest DC area as this area used to be a marsh land. Furthermore, they are part of our community and we have chosen and grown to accept these birds as part of our ecosystem. We also demand that the ramp that has always made be possible to the yearly ducklings to access the safety of the mini-island not be removed. The island which has a willow tree has always had a ramp in order to facilitate the retreat of the new ducklings to shelter under the willow tree at night away from the elements and any predators.

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