• por: SCARS
  • destinatário: Craigslist

Craigslist fails to enforce any of it Pet policies for breeders, free pets and rehoming fees. They state that it is monitored but more than half the ads on a daily basis can be proven as not following Craiglist policies and nothing is done by Craigslist to  correct this. Animals are at risk every moment they remain on Craigslist. With Free animals, People are misled to believe they are giving their animals to a better home only to possibly find out their beloved pet was used as bait to train dogs to fight or the animal was -"resold". Animals are falling into the hands of Abusers, Breeders and "Flippers" every day.  Please check out the SCARS Page on Facebook for more detail and please sign this petition.

Thank you on behalf of the animals.

To Whom It May Concern @ Craigslist,

We are requesting that after years of failed attempts at monitoring and enforcing of Craigslist " policies on the Pet pages of the Community section that you remove this category from your site.  This category is endangering to animals and misleading to people. It has been shown that the monitoring  has been more controlled by the general public than the process you have in place.

Your cooperation in the matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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