Tell Amazon to Stop Selling Whale Meat

Amoung 147 illegal items advertised on Amazon Japan were whale curry, whale bacon, whale stew and whale hamburger.


The listed products included fin, sei, minke and Bryde's whales, all protected by the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on commercial whaling and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species -CITES, which forbids international trade.

Tell Amazon to stop selling threatened and endangered cetacean species that are protected by two international treaties. CEO Jeff Bezos, Inc.
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Amoung 147 illegal items advertised on Amazon Japan were whale curry, whale bacon, whale stew and whale hamburger.

The listed products included fin, sei, minke and Bryde's whales, all protected by the International Whaling Commission's moratorium on commercial whaling and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species -CITES, which forbids international trade.

We want to tell Amazon to stop selling threatened and endangered cetacean species that are protected by two international treaties.

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