Ban bullfights in Mexico

  • por: Karina SM
  • destinatário: President of Mexico
Even though some lawsuits are raised to question this sport, it still lives on. We understand that some matadors get severely hurt when gored in the ring, but the poor bull can never win. The bulls used in these gory spectacles never stand a chance; even before they enter the ring, they are subjected to beatings that injure their kidneys and are given laxatives to weaken them. These animals are often kept in total darkness for days and have petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to blur their vision. Once in the ring, the bull is exhausted and taunted by men on horseback, who run him in circles and trick him. Then lances are driven into his back and neck muscles, which, in addition to being extremely painful, impairs his ability to lift his head and starts the blood loss. Once he is weakened from the blood loss, the matador provokes the animal into attempting a few exhausted charges, then tries to kill the bull. He rarely succeeds on the first try, often just causing further mutilation and torture of the animal. Finally, an executioner is called in to stab the animal and he is dragged from the arena, but only after his ears are cut off as a "trophy." The pain that the poor beasts go through is unimaginable to me. You can hardly call this humane. 
As members of the international community we urge you to exert your full powers to ban the sport of bullfighting in Mexico.
As you know, your country has called this a sacred and honored sport for centuries. We understand your position on wanting to keep the spirit of your history alive, but we strongly protest your decision to make it an art. Unfortunately, we know that most of the public, in Mexico, will back you one hundred percent in your passing of the bill. It will make lawsuits against bullfighting useless. It is considered a great form of entertainment to watch defenseless bulls be slaughtered for the pleasure of the crowd. 

Even though some lawsuits are raised to question this sport, it still lives on. We understand that some matadors get severely hurt when gored in the ring, but the poor bull can never win. The bulls used in these gory spectacles never stand a chance; even before they enter the ring, they are subjected to beatings that injure their kidneys and are given laxatives to weaken them. These animals are often kept in total darkness for days and have petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to blur their vision. Once in the ring, the bull is exhausted and taunted by men on horseback, who run him in circles and trick him. Then lances are driven into his back and neck muscles, which, in addition to being extremely painful, impairs his ability to lift his head and starts the blood loss. Once he is weakened from the blood loss, the matador provokes the animal into attempting a few exhausted charges, then tries to kill the bull. He rarely succeeds on the first try, often just causing further mutilation and torture of the animal. Finally, an executioner is called in to stab the animal and he is dragged from the arena, but only after his ears are cut off as a "trophy." The pain that the poor beasts go through is unimaginable to me. You can hardly call this humane. 
Please do something to stop this, there are several harmless ways to entertain people, please choose those instead of slaughtering defenseless animals. 
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