World Free Biological Weapons

    ​The Corona Pandemic has revealed that biological threats are more dangerous than any weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Unfortunately, many military labs around the world are working on deadly biological agents Genetically manipulating them for military applications and making Biological Weapons. So future Pandemics could be more deadly than COVID 19 unless we prevent it. The world is in real danger. , Let's recap these important points: Biological threats are increasing, so Future biological agents are the deadliest weapon against humanity. Let us declare: We don't want WMD, especially Biological Weapons! We do not want another deadly Pandemic! We are against any dual-use biological research or Gain of Function research in military biological laboratories around the world for the development of dangerous Biological Agents or Biological Weapons. We ask leaders, policymakers, scientists, experts, and even the United Nations, disarmament organizations, and NGOs to work on and educate nations to prevent future deadly pandemics. Likewise, we ask for strengthening the Biological Weapon Convention and full activation of an additional protocol to the Convention (CRP-8). BWC/AD HOC GROUP/CRP.8, April 3, 2001, to inspect military biological labs or any Biolabs working on selected agents. , Let's take part in this global drive to prevent the development of biological weapons by some countries by raising our voices, and we will certainly be able to strengthen the Convention on Biological Disarmament and its Additional Protocol with the cooperation of all scientists around the world so that we may have a better, safer, and more secure future. We must eradicate war, murder, hunger, poverty, discrimination, and injustice for future generations and save the planet from destruction.​
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