Australia needs an Animal Abuse Registry

  • por: Suellen Groves
  • destinatário: Victoria Premier Hon. Daniel Andrews MP and Minister of Agriculture Hon. Barnaby Joyce

Currently there is a Child Abuse Registry and a Sex Offender Registry in Australia, but what about our beloved pets and abused animals? This may be the answer.
In United States, State Senate majority leader Dean Florez proposed a bill that would require anyone convicted of a felony involving animal cruelty to register with the police for a public online forum, similar to sex offenders. Perhaps we should follow suit?
This registry would help identify people with a history of animal abuse, as well as serve as an early warning for future crimes, since people guilty of violent crimes often have a history of animal abuse. An online registry would also be useful for tracking these abusers, since many move to other states after they are caught. People who are involved in puppy farms, animal fighting rings, and hoarders of animals (which leads to neglect) could also be tracked more easily with an online registry.
An online registry of animal abusers would significantly benefit communities and law enforcement. Violence is more prevalent in our society and we need to take a stand to stop it from continuing. Any form of abuse should not be tolerated. Tell Prime Minister Tony Abbott it is time for an online animal abuse registry in Australia. Please be the voice for these innocent victims who have no voice. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERNCE WE CAN MAKE AN ANIMAL ABUSE REGISTRY A REALITY!! THE TIME IS NOW!!

Atualização #110 anos atrás
The signatures we have is awesome but we need more, if we can reach 10,000 it would be absolutely amazing we want the Australian Government and the prime minister Tony Abbot to take notice and take animal abuse seriously. Australia needs an Animal Abuse registry and it needs it now. So I encourage everyone who reads this to share widely and get others to sign. Together we can make a difference we are their voice!!!
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