seeking donations in the legal defense for Mahalie. PayPal donations can be made to
Seeking donations in the legal defense for Mahalie. Our first appearance is May 1, 2014. Donations can be made via PayPal
Sunday April 20th, it was reported to Charlotte County Animal Control by Carol Miller of Crestwood Ave Port Charlotte Florida that Mahalie who was wearing a muzzle aggressively charged her and her 12 year old Grandson. It was alleged that Carol Miller confirmed that the dog was Mahalie, although no visual identification was conducted by animal control. The report stated a brown dog was identified as "Mahalie." This is the 4th report that Mahalie has bitten a person, although no photographs or hospital records have substantiated these claims. All the claims have been made by neighbors who claim Mahalie has "attacked" them. Further, the court document filed by Animal Control has made erroneous claims that the owner has not complied with the rules and regulations set forth in regards to owning an animal classified as an "aggressive" dog. Mahalie is being subjected to false allegations by neighbors who have personal problems with the owner and continue to file false allegations. Each time Animal Control visits Mahalie, he remains in his crate or on his leash and pays no attention to Animal Control. Reports that have been filed, show no photographs or evidence of the alleged dog bites. Bryanna Poulin, the owner of Mahalie, a 3 year old fawn boxer, is a combat veteran who has had no previous issues concerning accusation with Mahalie being aggressive until she moved into the Port Charlotte home December 2013. On two incidents where Mahalie has gotten loose, it appears the locked fence in the yard has been tampered with by neighbors allowing him to escape. Please sign this petition asking Honorable Judge John Burns to rule in the favor of Bryanna Poulin to keep Mahalie so that an innocent dog is not put to death because of false allegations by neighbors who have personal issues with the owner. There has been no factual documentation that Mahalie has been aggressive only statements by neighbors who have mistaken Mahalie for a pit bull. Please sign this petition because Animal Control is using their authority to kill an innocent animal and is manipulating the court system with false information such as the owner not complying with regulations. The owner has four visible signs that a dog is on the premises, Mahalie wears leather muzzle at all times with the exception when he is secured in his crate and the owner has been fined over $2000 in fines, quarantine fees and dog accessories mandated by animal control. In addition to Mahalie being a family pet, it is vital Mahalie remains with the owner who suffers from PTSD, major depression, anxiety and numerous mental and physical health problems from serving multiple combat deployments in the United States Army. It is vital and proven that Mahalie remains in her care as she continues the transition to civilian life. Please sign this petition to allow Bryanna to move to another county with Mahalie so he is not innocently put to death because of false and exaggerated statements made against him. Bryanna has owned Mahalie for more than 3 years and there has not been any complaints against him until they moved into her Crestwood ave home, a neighborhood that is not dog friendly. Because Mahalie has been mistaken for a Pit Bull, he is being harassed because of the prejudice society has against Pit Bulls. If Judge Burns rules in favor of Animal Control an innocent Boxer dog will be killed and Animal Control will continue to abuse their power and authority with Charlotte County Residents. Additionally, it is the opinion and view that Animal Control has abused their authority with giving every maximum fine to Bryanna ($2000) they are now seeking maximum punishment by killing an innocent dog. Please sign this petition so Mahalie is not put to death and is given ample opportunity to remain alive and move to another county within Florida where he can continue to live without the harassment from Animal Control.
This is what will happen if Mahalie is murdered because Animal Control does not have the best interest of the animals but are elected officials who operate because of fines that are given, like any county organization, it’s all about money and financial gain not the welfare of animals.
"Euthanasia" is defined as a quiet and painless death. The very word itself sounds restful and relaxing. But in the context of the killing of our companion animals, it is absolutely not applicable. Their deaths are exceedingly stressful and often excruciatingly painful. So let's all agree, that what is committed in these "Death Camps" called "shelters", is nothing less than brutal Murder. Sign this petition because they will murder Mahalie. Law enforcement and animal control do not operate in the best interest of the animals.
Here's a little euthanasia 101 for those of you that have never witnessed a perfectly healthy, scared animal being "put-down".... First, Mahalie will be taken from his kennel on a leash and probably think he is going for a walk or still scared thinking when will mom come pick me up. If he thinks he’s going for a walk he will be happy, wagging his tail and excited. This will be until he gets to “the room” A shelter employee explained what happens when animals get to the room “every one of them freak out and put the brakes on when we get to the door. It must smell like death or they can feel the sad souls that are left in there, it's strange, but it happens with every one of them.” Mahalie will be restrained, held down by 1 or 2 vet techs depending on the size and how freaked out he is. Then a euthanasia tech or a vet will start the process. They will find a vein in the front leg and inject a lethal dose of the "pink stuff". Hopefully he doesn't panic from being restrained and jerk.
“I've seen the needles tear out of a leg and been covered with the resulting blood and been deafened by the yelps and screams. They all don't just "go to sleep", sometimes they spasm for a while, gasp for air and defecate on themselves,” the shelter employee said. When it all ends, Mahalies corpse will be stacked like firewood in a large freezer in the back with all of the other animals that were killed waiting to be picked up like garbage. What happens next? Cremated? Taken to the dump? Rendered into pet food? I’ll never know and it probably isn’t crossing Animal Controls mind since they want to kill him. I’m sure they are thinking it was just a dog and I can always get another one, right? you can always buy another one, right? I hope that those of you that have read this are bawling your eyes out and can't get the pictures out of your head because this is what will happen to my baby, Mahalie, the dog I’ve had since he was 6 weeks old, the playful boxer that loves to swim and play ball with children. My baby that will be murdered and killed if I don’t speak up, if you don’t sign this petition. If you live Charlotte County, this could happen to you. No evidence is needed, only sworn statements by neighbors. People don’t lie under oath right? As previously stated, there has been no evidence or photographs of Mahalie being aggressive or biting anyone, just statements from neighbors that a brown dog ran towards them.
We would respectively like to ask for family, friends, and community support for Mahalie by signing your name to show you support Mahalie being able to reside in his home with his family where he belongs, because Charlotte County Animal Conrotl thinks he poses a threat to the community, over a neighbors exaggerated word
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