Stop the murder of 2400 fallow-deers

  • por: Pascale Schnetkamp
  • destinatário: The province of Noord-Holland and the City of Amsterdam in The Netherlands

Shooting 2400 out of population of 3000 fallow deers is catastrophal and the shooting is catastrophic for the deer and the uniqueness of this area (dunes). There will be more shootings every year, because the remaining deers (if they didn't escape) have more space and availability of food. Therefore, the deer will be shy and show themselves less. Moreover, restlessness with outbreak from the area by jumping over the fences (placed thanks to Animal Protection) and lots of inconvenience for people living just outside the area. Resulting in traffic accidents. As experienced and strong animals are slain, natural selection will not have a chance. This results in a weaker group of animals.

One of the arguments is not enough food for the fallow deers. So far there is nothing proved and the fallow deers are in excellent condition. Should an animal weakened and unnecessary suffering by eg cold, hunger or disease, you will also find that such animals must be liberated from suffering.


I just started a Care2 petition: Stop the murder of 2400 fallow-deers. If enough people sign my petition, we can make a difference. Right now I've got 24 signatures — will you help me collect more by adding your name, and then use the link below to share it on Facebook?

Here's a link to the petition:
And here's a link to share it on Facebook:

If there's anyone you know who might be able to help me spread the word, please let me know. Thanks so much -- I really appreciate your help!

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