Honor Allen Toussaint - Rename Lee Circle

  • por: Allen Toussaint Circle
  • destinatário: New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, City Council and City Planning Commission

Let's rechristen Lee Circle as Allen Toussaint Circle, with an appropriate memorial.

There isn't a more fitting individual or a less divisive solution to the "monument issue." Few New Orleanians have contributed so much to the city, the nation and the world - advancing our culture, creating amazing music with such a huge diversity of artists. As Jazz Fest's Quint Davis said, "he was a one-man Motown."

Only Louis Armstrong could approach his stature, and of course he has a park and an airport named in his honor.

At this time of great sorrow for all lovers of New Orleans music and culture, such a move would unite us in a way we have not seen since the events of 10 years ago.

Please honor the amazing musical legacy of Allen Toussaint by renaming the divisive Lee Cicle after this wonderful artist who cared so much for New Orleans and her people.

Atualização #29 anos atrás
BIG NEWS! The New Orleans City Council voted to take down the monument to Lee and 3 other confederate/racist memorials. Let's share the petition on FB, and Tweet the Mayor to take the next step - rename Lee Circle after Allen Toussaint!
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Over 8,000 of us have spoken up to rename NOLA's Lee Circle in honor of Allen Toussaint! Mr. Toussaint's funeral and musical memorial is Fri Morning. Can we top 10K signatures by then? Share on FB, Tweet, and email your friends! We can do it!
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