I need my Service dog back

Major is a service dog, I was in the hospital for over a month then I was
in a convalescent center for six months, While I was in the Hospital my
friend who was watching Major is also disabled and in a wheel chair, so several other of my neighbors were walking my Major for me, Major was being well taken care of, their was no need for him to have been removed from his home. I'm going to do everything or anything to get him back soon; I've been without him for too long. When I was in the hospital, my manager said she called animal control to come and get my puppy Major, one of my neighbors took him and gave him to his Nurse Practitioner; Now I'm having a hard time getting him back, I've had him since he was 71/2 weeks of age he is going to be six years of age in Sept. I want and need him back! I need an attorney to represent me however I can't afford one I'm looking for all the help I can get, When I moved in this place I had to sign a paper that said in the event of me not being able to care for Major that management would call this person (Mindy Meeks) to care for him, they never did, whether or not they still have this piece of paper I don't know! The Nurse practitioner who has Major will not talk to me; her name is: Kathleen Bonin APRN, she works for Backus Hospital at Norwich town Family Health Center,

42 Town St.

Norwich, CT.


Yesterday Adrian called today from the Backus and asked me if I had a copy of the letter that I signed for Glenn (Richard McNeely) I told her no, she said that she had no record of it in the hospital file, and that when I was in there no one should of had me sign any papers without consulting with the nurses or my doctor, she said what ever I signed was not legal; that I should call the police and have Glenn arrested; I really don't think the police will do this, I have explained this to the police before and was told repeatedly that I abandon my dog, which I never did and never will! I have all the forms to start a legal civil suit, but I haven't the slightest idea where to begin; I need an attorney just to fill it out!

Adrian told that she didn't think that Nurse Bonin knew where Major was, but then again she said that she thinks that Nurse Bonin will not give him back is because she was under the impression that I was abusing him. I called animal control and left a message for Michelle to give me a call and what I need that's the paper I signed. She usually calls back within a couple of hours, she hasn't yet, maybe tomorrow.
if you would like that case # 15-1760-OF, if the manager here Susan Couture done her job and seen to it that Major was given to the person who was supposed to get him, in the event that I was unable to care for him none of this would be happening

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