Dear America, Stop Sexualizing Our Children!

    For many years now, one way or another, treating children as young as 3 years old (especially young girls) as sexual objects, and literal grown men catcalling girls as young as 7 in public is somehow being viewed as 'normal' and something that they are supposed to be somehow grateful for. In reality, this should not be normalized at all; it's literally pedophilia, and one of the reasons why cases of not just sexual harassment, but outright sexual assault, are very high in recent years, but go unreported because we are 'too sensitive'. The phrase "Boys will be boys" in recent years is taking a turn for the dangerous and this needs to stop NOW. So many young girls around this supposedly progressive country are at very high risk of kidnapping, sex trafficking, and rape, and we need to put an end to this; let our kids just be kids for crying out loud! People under 18 shouldn't have to worry about going outside and being sexually harassed by men old enough to have children of their own! This should've ended a long time ago, but with your help, it will end now. Help us be the change you want to see in this country.
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