Save wild areas and rivers in the Clearwater Basin of North Central Idaho

The Clearwater Basin of North Central Idaho is part of the largest undeveloped federal wildlands complex in the Lower 48. Over 2,000 river miles flow through the heart of this rich forested country, which includes designated Wilderness and irreplaceable roadless wildlands. The 1.5 million acres of roadless wildlands on the Nez Perce- Clearwater National Forests provide excellent habitat for large carnivores such as grizzly bears, gray wolves and wolverines, habitat for smaller, sensitive species such as goshawk, black-backed woodpeckers, and fisher, and crucial habitat for bull trout, Chinook salmon and steelhead. Idaho County houses over half of the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests. Despite the county's huge size, it only has a population of 16,000 people.

The Idaho County Commissioners added a suggestively worded advisory provision to their November 6, 2018 ballot to tell the Forest Service that the county does not want the Forest Service to recommend any more Wilderness or Wild & Scenic river segments in Idaho County. 

The results of the County vote are the following:

  • 5,046 votes opposed to more Wilderness 
  • 1,948 votes in support of more Wilderness
  • 4,854 votes opposed to more Wild & Scenic Rivers
  • 2,097 votes in support of more Wild & Scenic Rivers

This petition gives the rest of Americans a voice about their lands, which we will pass along to the Forest Service.

By signing this petition, I agree that:

All Americans should have an equal say in protecting one of the wildest and diverse places left in the Lower 48 states. The Forest Service should consider preserving these remaining roadless wildlands and free-flowing waterways in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests.

Here is the sample ballot:

Sample Ballot



Atualização #16 anos atrás
Thanks to all those who have signed our petition so far. Here is the sample ballot so you can see exactly what Idaho County commissioners are trying to accomplish with this advisory vote:

Please share widely within your circles especially those who support wild land and river protections across the United States!
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