Deadly Coronavirus Outbreak Must Be Stopped - Demand Funding Now!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Global governments and health-related NGOs

The newest threat to global health is the coronavirus, which is proving to be quite deadly. This outbreak began in China and as of Wednesday, January 31th, over 200 people had died from it and over 10,000 cases have been confirmed in 24 countries and those numbers are climbing by the day. This kind of threat demands a swift and thorough response!

Sign the petition to call on world leaders to immediately allocate funding and resources to stopping the spread of the virus!

One of the really scary facets of this virus is that it takes a while for a person to show symptoms after infected. This leads to folks believing they are well and travelling, ultimately spreading the disease. China is doing the best it can to contain the spread of the disease by quarantining and treating those infected and heavily restricting travel. Similar responses are going on in the other 23 countries affected, including the U.S., France, Canada, Germany, Japan and Thailand. 

Yet, the disease is still spreading quickly to new countries every day. That's why now is the time to force an international response, both from countries and also NGOs. The World Health Organization (WHO) has just changed the global threat from 'moderate' to 'high'. Now, there is a huge shortage of test kits everywhere. This will cause undiagnosed people to travel freely and spread the deadly disease. We must demand production and funding of test kits right now. 

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has given 5 million dollars to the cause so far, now we need others like them to follow suit. Sign on to ask the global community to stop the Coronavirus in its tracks, using whatever means necessary!

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