Stop Killing Community Cats in Levy County, Florida

Approximately 500 cats will be euthanized in 2017, by Levy County Animal Services and represent 90% of all animals killed. Most of these cats are feral, semi-domesticated, lost or abandoned pets. Cities, counties and states from all over the United States and the World have discovered, killing cats does not work in reducing shelter intake. Sterilizing cats and returning to the areas they inhabit does work.

If you are compassionately affected by the killing of relatively large numbers of cats in Levy County, we need your support to make the necessary changes.

Please sign the Petition calling on the Levy County Commission to adopt our proposed Trap-Neuter/Spay-Return Resolution to end the senseless killing.

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Atualização #17 anos atrás
BREAKING NEWS - Levy County has announced a free spay/neuter program for community cats starting in January 2018. The program is on a trial basis. Traps will be available for loan at no charge. Our neighboring Alachua County Humane Society will assist in the spay/neuter operations. In view of Levy County's initiative to address the community cat issue, we will organize support and resources for this initiative. We will issue updates as the program progresses. Share this petition for more support
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