Retire All Bears at Roadside Zoo to a Reputable Sanctuary

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: USDA & Pymatuning Deer Park, Owners the Sankeys

The USDA has concerns about the care and handling of animals at a roadside zoo in Jamestown, Pennsylvania due to some allegations of abuse, cruelty and other violations.  A male and female bear currently live in a barren concrete pit.

Because of the conditions, the female bear appears to struggle when walking, which has been brought to the attention of the USDA.  It is believed that the conditions lead to and exacerbated arthritis in the female bear.   Read full report at that lists all the concerns and alleged violations.

The main concern is for these two bears.  They need to be placed in a reputable, healthy sanctuary where they can get all the care and attention they need and deserve.  The bears should not be living on cement but be provided with some natural bedding, clean environment without algae and grime and given proper medical care, food and other necessities for a healthy animals. 

This roadside zoo appeared to be under scrutiny and investigation for some time, with authorities feeling that the bears lived in poor, cruel conditions in concrete pits.  Our petition is to urge the Pymatuning Deer Park Roadside Zoo to retire all bears to a reputable sanctuary where they can get all the care they need and deserve.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition so that these bears can live out the rest of their lives in comfort and contentment.

Pymatuning Deer Park, Owners the Sankeys – We strongly urge you to retire all bears to a safe, healthy and reputable sanctuary where they can live the rest of their lives getting the care and attention they need.  They do not belong in these barren, cold concrete pits without any comforts or cleanliness.  Give these bears a better life and retire them to a good sanctuary.

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