Regulate fox breeding as pets to lessen surrender rates!

We are looking for support to help us (Kingdom Animalia Exotic Animal Rescue) in our cause of changing Wisconsin statute 29.627 - Domestic Fur-Bearing Animal farms. We believe fox breeding and sales in the pet trade should be better regulated to hold breeders and buyers accountable. 

We have seen an increase of fox surrenders in the past year. We are one of the few resources for people to surrender their pet fox, and we cannot continue this trend. These imprinted foxes are at risk of being released into the wild with no survival skills or resource for them to go to.

We believe it is unethical to have a fox, with no survival skills being released into the wild. We want to start this process with the help of groups like yours to change this law and improve the quality of life for these animals.

We want to allow people to have foxes if they already own them and are taking the ocrrect care of them. But, we need to regulate breeders and require them to have a license and be inspected by the Deparment of Health. We also want foxes that are legally sold as pets to be fixed so the potential of over population won't be an issue. 

Thank you so much for your help

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