Tell online store DAYTONA to stop selling FUR!

DAYTONA.BG KILLS and doesn't care!
They know that millions of innocent animals die for fashion every year but still they refuse to stop selling fur! They are just to greedy!
Wearing a dead body is not beautyful, it is an ugly and ignorant act!




I understand that your online stores are selling many fur or fur-trimmed items, made with real fur. We are sure that if you knew what goes on behind the scenes in the fur industry, you would not want these cruel products to be a part of your collection.

Millions of animals, including rabbits, raccoons, and foxes, are painfully trapped in steel-jaw leg hold traps each year. Those who don't freeze or starve are usually beaten to death or suffocated when the trapper arrives hours or days later. Animals held captive on fur farms spend their short lives crowded in wire cages where they suffer from inadequate water, disease, parasites, and stress. These wild animals never get used to the human contact and some of them even chew their own flesh, because they go mad. The animals are killed by anal electrocution, poisoning, or suffocation. Those who don't die immediately are skinned alive. Sometimes they are only hit in the head and then skinned in order to better preserve the fur of the animal. After that some of them wake up and die after 10 minutes of great sufforing.

People assume that a scrap of fur on the collar is fake and I assure you that many would be appalled to learn that it is real. I trust that you cannot, in good conscience, support this unnecessary torture inflicted upon millions of animals each year.

I hope you will decide to eliminate all fur from your online stores after considering this information. Thank you for your time and attention.



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