Stop excess environmental development from killing the leopard cat in San-Yi, Miaoli County, Taiwan

  • por: Ying Lan Chen
  • destinatário: Environmental Protection Administration Executive Yuan, Taiwan

San-yi, Taiwan used to be famous for its wood sculpture. Nowadays it has a leopard cat protection area as  a safe place for fewer than 500 leopard cat of Taiwan to live.

Unfortunately, recently the Magistrate of Miaoli County, Mr. Liu Cheng-hung, has announced  to develop the Tai #13 San-yi Highway (0910261A) which will destroy the leopard cat protection area. It is unnecessary because San-yi Miaoli County is a quiet countryside area. Plus, it has no heavy traffic during weekdays.

Mr. Liu did say that "Just but another place for leopard to live." As we know, wildlife has a strong territory habit.

Many are afraid that the EPA of Taiwan will pass the development by Wednesday,16 April, 2014. Please sign quickly!

San-yi, Taiwan used to be famous for its wood sculpture. Nowadays it has a leopard cat protection area as a safe place for fewer than 500 leopard cat of Taiwan to live.

Unfortunately, recently the Magistrate of Miaoli County, Mr. Liu Cheng-hung, has announced to develop the Tai #13 San-yi Highway (0910261A) which will destroy the leopard cat protection area. It is unnecessary because San-yi Miaoli County is a quiet countryside area. Plus, it has no heavy traffic during weekdays.

Mr. Liu did say that "Just but another place for leopard to live." As we know, wildlife has a strong territory habit.

Many are afraid that the EPA of Taiwan will pass the development by Wednesday,16 April, 2014. Please sign quickly!

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