Dan Ashe is an avid hunter, he has ties with organizations such as the Safari Club and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation which want the wolves hunted to unsustainable numbers, Dan Ashe has fired whistle blowers from the USFWS who reported he showed heavy favoritism towards Logging, mining, and oil interest.
Dan Ashe has failed in his obligation to protect endangered species such as the Alexander Arcipelago Wolf of Alaska, only around 50 of these wolves are left and still he refuses to issue an Endangered Species for this rare sub-species of the Gray Wolf. Dan Ashe has also re-written aspects of the ESA himself, case in point the Endangered status of the Mexican Gray Wolf with severe limitations he placed on their recovery, listening to the Ranching Industry of Arizona and New Mexico instead of the majority of American Citizens who petitions for FULL protection of this species.
MR. President , we demand that you adhere to your own campaign pledge of TRANSPARENCY and FIRE Dan Ashe immediately for not upholding all of the ESA and showing favoritism towards the Hunting and Ranching , Logging and Mining industries and SHUTTING OUT the will of the greater majority of American Tax Payers. He is a public servant , not a servant of SPECIAL INTEREST and therefore should be FIRED for DERELICTION of DUTY that he has sworn to uphold the Constitution and the LAWS of the UNITED STATES !!!

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