People Stored 36 Animals in a Bus and Trailer, Where They Were Abused for Bestiality Purposes

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: Pennsylvania authorities
In Pennsylvania, authorities recently rescued 36 animals that had been kept in a school bus and trailer... where they were either sexually abused or fed to other animals.

The individuals who let this happen must be held accountable. Sign the petition to demand that everyone involved is banned from working with, owning, or living with animals in the future and that they are mandated to attend intensive psychotherapy!

Inside the bus and trailer, the conditions were foul. Feces were strewn all over the vehicles, along with hay and other disturbing excretions. Most of the animals were covered in scabies infections.

Rescuers found 30 birds of various types (including ducks, roosters, chickens, and turkeys), as well as 4 dogs, a bully, and a pony.

When rescuers discovered the poor creatures, the dogs had evidence of physical trauma in their reproductive regions, and were aggressive when approached or touched. The pony and bull as well showed evidence of being horrifically abused through bestiality.

In fact, their trauma was so severe, veterinarians actually had to humanely euthanize many of the animals.

Authorities have apprehended two individuals found sleeping in the vehicles, as well as a driver. It's clear that whoever was involved in this disgusting bestiality ring needs some strong mental health help, and fast. There can't be any other explanation for engaging in something as disturbing as this.

Sign the petition to demand a full investigation into this bestiality ring! Authorities must ban all individuals involved from ever owning, living with, or working with animals in the future, and additionally mandate intensive therapy sessions immediately.
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