STOP fishing in Ras Mohammed National Park

We, the undersigned, oppose the decision of the Governor of South Sinai to allow fishing in the Ras Mohammed National Park during May and June 2011. Such activity will lead to massive environmental damage  and create a further economic  crisis to the region's diving and tourism industries.
Please pass on this petition to all colleagues, guests, neighbours, bosses and all those who love the Red Sea.
Update 18 May 2011
Amazing support so far, thanks! But our signature numbers are lower than our 'like' numbers. Make sure you spread the word that people SIGN the petition not just 'like' it. I can't change the target...please keep signing we need as many as possible!
Let's make a difference!
UPDATE: 20 May 2011
GOOD NEWS! The decree that allowed fishing in the Ras Mohammed National Park has been annulled and at 8am this morning, all fishing boats had left the protected waters. For more information see here:
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