End The Use Of Animal Testing

More than 3.5 million animals were used and abused in British laboratories last year.  Each one was once a living, breathing, individual animal with a personality, a unique view of the world, distinct needs and a desire for life and freedom every bit as great as yours or mine. Each one would have felt loneliness and fear/physical or psychological pain, and many would have gone through agony as they were experimented upon.

Millions of individual animals  monkeys, cats, dogs, rabbits, rats and others are suffering and dying in laboratories as I write to you right now.

And their use is pointless!

Scientific breakthroughs of any real value come from human epidemiological research, human trials and modern methods that do not involve animals at all.

And scientists are becoming increasingly aware that non-animal research methods are not only humane but more precise and cost-effective.

Despite decades of testing on millions of animals, there is still no cure for the common cold  let alone Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's or strokes and no effective vaccine for AIDS. What's more, 92 per cent of drugs tested successfully on animals are shown to be ineffective or unsafe for humans.

Please take action and sign this petition to fight against animal testing in the UK and throughout the world. This Petition will be delivered directly to Number 10 and to research institutes throughout the UK and the world.

We the undersigned are against animal testing, we are against the suffering and death caused to these creatures, we are against the fear, and agony they experience. They are living, breathing and have their own personalities. We are against this because it is pointless, human trials are more successful, 92% of animal testings do not pass human tests and many cures have not been found.

Thankyou for taking time to read and sign this petition

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