Nationwide Ban on Gassing in Shelters

  • por: Alice Olivo
  • destinatário: Nancy Pelosi, The United States Governors
ENGLISH VERSION (versione italiana a fondo pagina)

Currently there are a number of laws which to varying degrees protect the rights of animals in shelters but we need a centralized approach.%uFFFD Too many animals still suffer an excruciating death in gas chambers, or due to being euthanized by non qualified staff.%uFFFD

Both dogs and cats are stuffed in metal boxes which them get sealed and filled up with poisonous gas. The animals should be sedated first but this doesn't occur. They die a slow excruciating death, sometimes agonizing for several minutes. It is not uncommon for young and old animals survive this horrific procedure, to be gassed again or killed in another way.

This petition was created to:
  1. Ban the use of gas chambers and heart stick as euthanasia methods, as inhumane and ethically unacceptable. Where euthanasia is unavoidable, we demand that it be done with approved humane methods such as lethal injection and under veterinary supervision.

  2. Support shelters to adopt a no kill policy

  3. Support the trap-neuter-release policy for feral colonies and allow volunteers to take care of the above mentioned colonies.

  4. Make spaying/neutering mandatory within shelters, within the discretion of the authorized veterinarians.

Thanks for your support.

Versione Italiana:

Ci sono al momento molte leggi negli stati uniti, che a diversi livelli tutelano i diritti degli animali nei rifugi, ma servono urgentemente delle leggi centralizzate, valide quindi a livello nazionale. Troppi animali soffrono ancora delle morti atroci e terribilmente lente nelle camere a gas, tramite iniezioni al cuore o a causa di iniezioni letali praticate da personale non qualificato.

Cani e gatti vengono stipati insieme dentro a delle scatole metalliche, le quali vengono poi sigillate e riempite di gas velenoso. Gli animali soffrono una morte lenta e orribile, a volte agonizzando per decine di minuti. Gli animali dovrebbero essere sedati prima di questa procedura ma questo non avviene: gli animali sono quindi pienamente coscienti fino alla fine. Non %uFFFD raro che animali anziani o cuccioli sopravvivano a una tale orrida procedura, solo per essere poi nuovamente gassati o uccisi in altra maniera.

Questa petizione %uFFFD stata creata per:

  • chiedere un divieto assoluto dell'uso di camere a gas e iniezioni cardiache come metodo di eutanasia poich%uFFFD umanamente ed eticamente inaccettabili. Laddove l'eutanasia sia inevitabile, chiediamo che questa venga prativata da personale veterinario e con metodi etici quale iniezione letale;
  • Chiedere un supporto per aiutare i rifugi ad abbandonare la pratica dell'eutanasia ad animali sani;
  • Chiedere supporto per la pratica di intrappolamento, sterilizzazione e ritorno alla colonia per le colonie feline, e permettere a volontari di prendersi cura delle suddette colonie (le quali al momento vengono catturate, portate nei rifugi, e gli animali se non vengono adottati vengono soppressi);
  • Rendere la sterilizzazione obbligatoria all'interno dei rifugi, salvo eccezioni a discrezione del personale veterinario.

Grazie per il vostro supporto.

Dear Mrs. Pelosi and the Governors of the United States,


We the undersigned acknowledge that the United States House of Representatives, and the administrations of the governors have under your combined leaderships been a driving force of good in our society. They have created a more just world where the rights of people and animals continue to be focused upon. You have shown tremendous leadership in times of trouble.


During this momentous time where the new President Elect; Mr. Obama is seeking to create a better world. It impends upon us, in that section of society that dedicate our lives to creating a more humane world, in respect to our fellow companions who with we share this world, that the lives of animals are respected.


Currently there are a number of laws which forbid the use of toxic gas to be used in the killing of pets that are located in animal shelters. This is a humane law, but it does not go far enough, as a number of older animal shelters are exempt from this law. This allows loop holes to appear where animals can be gassed to death and thus causing horrific suffering. The animals' last moments are spent in confined spaces where they suffer excruciating pain.


It is our understanding that more humane methods of killing are available such as lethal injection, where death is more peaceful and rapid. However a number of%uFFFDno-kill%uFFFDshelters exist without public funding.


Our proposal would be as follows:


  1. Ban of gas chambers and heart stick as euthanasia methods as inhumane and ethically unacceptable. Where euthanasia is unavoidable, we demand that it be done with approved humane methods such as lethal injection and under veterinary supervision.

  2. Support shelters to adopt a no kill policy

  3. Support the trap-neuter-release policy for feral colonies and allow volunteers to take care of the above mentioned colonies.

  4. Make spaying/neutering mandatory within shelters, within the discretion of the authorized veterinarians.


A number of states and municipalities have already carried out laws which protect the lives of animals and the humane treatment of animals in shelters.


We pray that you will see that a fair and just law is created within your power to ensure that the rights of animals are upheld, and that those individuals who break those laws are punished under the full extend of the law.


Again we hope that you will see that your respective administrations follow through and create laws to the above aspects.


Thank you kindly,

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