Save the Namibian Cape Fur Seals From Extinction

Every year  85,000 Pups will be savagely beaten to death for their fur pelts.  Six thousand bulls will be shot so that their penises may be used to make an ineffective traditional Chinese aphrodisiac.   For the next 139 days, terrified pups will be rounded up, separated from their mothers and be violently beaten to death.  The colony will be rounded up at day break.  Pups, bulls and cows will be surrounded and kept away from the safety of the sea. Men with clubs move in and the seals run in fear. To kill the animal, the men need to administer a swift blow to the head. This is supposed to cause the cranium to disintegrate. This initial strike is seldom sufficient to kill the animal and, as it tries to take evasive action, it is repeatedly beaten until it is either dead or unconscious. The sealer then stabs the little ones in the throat, sometimes while they are still alive. The baby seals are known to become so terrified that they will vomit up their mothers milk. The sand on the beach is stained pink from all the blood. Carcasses are hurled onto the backs of waiting vehicles and the bulldozers set to work cleaning up the blood before the tourists arrive to view the colony. 

The tourists arrive at 9 AM, unaware of the horrific scene reenacted each morning for 140 days of greed and wanton slaughter!  The seals once lived  on coastal islands,  but driven by local fisherman attacks,  all year have fled to the highly secure DeBeers controlled coastal land and a national marine preserve!   Two large colonies, basically are all that's left. South Africa ceased their culling in 1990 and their fish populations actually rose!  So the seals were not the problem!  Everyone wrongfully assumed that they were!  Their rich excrement actually feed the plankton and small fish providing an abundant source for the food fish sought by man


Each year, despite a declining population, the quota gets increased!
Support Francois Hugo!  Add your name to the many of the entire civilized world shocked that this barbaric practice is allowed.  Please sign the other petitions also listed. Please continue to share your compassion so that all targets of this collective protest against slaughter of the innocent may be more broad and effective in this campaign against this out rage!

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