Justice for Princess

  • por: Sam Savatxath
  • destinatário: Dog: Loona Owner: Ashley Lancaster

On Saturday 7/19/14 we was getting readt to celebrate our sons 2nd Birthday. My 5 year old son, a friend of mine and myself went to our townhouse complex to townhouse #4. On our way into the house we noticed that the neighbors brother in law was moving in. They live in townhouse #3.  We were in and out of the house, loading the car up with supplies and food we had prepared for a days festivities.  I asked my son to take Princess,  our 8 years old Rat Terrier mix, out for a walk in the yard so that we so that we could get ready to leave. He put her on her leash and out the door the two of them went. As I was getting ready I herad a lot of commotion going on. I saw the neighbors from the townhouse outside and then the unthinkable was happening. The neighbors pregnant pitbull, Loona, had gotten out of their house and was attacking Princess. The pit bull Loona was locked on to my sweet like girls neck. I ran over and held Princess while the broth in law was choking Loona until she finally open her mouth and let Princess go. I scooped up Princess as fast as I could and ran her into the car. After going to 3 different veternary offices that were closed I finally found a vet that was open and willing to treat my little poor little girl, but at a cost. The cost being, half of the estimated bill, had to be paid for on the spot before they would even care or treat her wounds.  There was another option that the vet office had suggested, and as I heard I couldnt believe I was hearing it, but the other suggestion was to put her down. We couldn't do that to her. We wouldn't let her go out like that. She is not only our family pet, she is our child. She is our baby girl. With the help of our loving and caring family we were able to leave her in the hands of the vets to fix our baby girl.

After I had left Princess to get surgery done we had advised dog control of the situation and ment me at the house. She first spoke to my girlfriend and me, then we went and spoke woth Loona's owner Ashley Lancaster about paying for Princess's medical cost expenses and that if they didn't then their dog would be seized and they would have to go to court, and the judge would have the final say. They agreed that they would pay. They was giving the bill on Sunday 7/20.

I made another call and that was to my rental company that we rent from. They were unaware the neighbors had dogs and pit bulls for that matter. They are now getting evicting the neighbors. If no forwarding address is left, and they choose not to be responsible adults and pay the bill, we will be fource to pay it. Our dog is 8 years old and was in excellent health and well being before this unfortunate accident.

To make things worse our son is traumatized by what has happened. He was scared to come home. He was scared for Princess. He was scared for the way he has to see her. He stayed with his grandma Sunday night and came home when he was comfortable. He shouldn't have had to see that. What if the dog have bite hit instead? Or any of the other children that play in their yards in our community? 

We are asking, from the bottom of our hearts, please help us in fighting for to make it so they can't breed their dogs any longer and that they are accountable for what their dog has done to Princess and our family!!! 

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