Support the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011

Fighting animals is a cruel pastime that involves the deliberate torture and maiming of both animals that are used to fight, and the bait animals who are used to train them.

While there are current laws to deal with those who are directly participating in dogfighting, loopholes still exist that don't deal with spectators. Those who attend dogfights, and other animal bloodsports, help fuel this barbaric underground industry and perpetuate other illegal activity.

The Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011, H.R. 2492, was recently introduced by U.S. Reps. Tom Marino, R-Pa., and Betty Sutton, D-Ohio with bipartisan support and will amend current laws to make knowingly attending an animal fight punishable by fines and up to one year in prison, with fines and up to three years in prison for bringing a minor.

Sign this petition urging your representatives to support this piece of legislation that will hold everyone who perpetuates these cruel sports accountable. 


As someone who cares about the wellbeing of animals, children and my community, I urge you to support and cosponsor H.R. 2492, the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011. This bill will close loopholes in current laws that deal with animal fighting and make it a crime to knowingly attend an animal fighting event, with additional penalties for bringing a minor.

Dogfighting, and cockfighting, are brutal enterprises that operate in secrecy.  This important piece of legislation will also help law enforcement hold animal abusers accountable and stop related criminal activity, such as gambling and drug trafficking.

Please support legislation that will help bring these cruel bloodsports to an end. 

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