Stop the SLAUGHTER of wolves in Idaho!

  • por: Jada Lozano
  • destinatário: Head of the U.S fish and wildlife service

Wolves are being slaughtered and glad to be in Idaho the FW services are killing them hopelessly and they are DOING IT WITH TAX PAYERS MONEY!!! Helpless pups,elder wolves and other beautiful creatures are going down with them such as lynxes,panthers,tigers,ocelots and many more.they use the money by hiring professional hunters and helicopters and even planes!!!They kill the elk not responsibly either. 

STOP THE WILDLIFE SLAUGHTER!!!! F&W SERVICES what a horrible name for such a service that doesn't even help wildlife but does the exact opposite kill it!!!

please SIGN NOW for the love of the world and the animals stop slaughter now!!!

Atualização #210 anos atrás
A hunter-trapper hired by the department killed nine wolves in the Frank Church last winter, and state officials in February announced plans to kill 60 percent of the wolves in the Middle Fork section of the wilderness in the coming years. The Center and allies filed a lawsuit against the wolf-killing plan, and the first hearing was scheduled for next month. Idaho officials now say they're suspending the plan until at least Nov. 1, 2015.
Atualização #110 anos atrás
Thank you guys for signing I have really good news!
In Face of Legal Challenge, Idaho Suspends Wolf Killing

Big news out of Idaho: The state's Department of Fish and Game, facing a legal challenge by conservation groups including the Center for Biological Diversity, has called off plans to kill more wolves this winter in the Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness. Sorry I could only send 500 characters I will send the rest!
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