Friends of the Earth

  • por: gillian brown brown
  • destinatário: The U.K. and Maybe other Countries That take an interest.
The Bee Cause

A plan to save our bees

Last year tens of thousands of you convinced the Government to create a national Bee Action Plan to save British bees.

Now Bees Minister Lord de Mauley wants your thoughts on his draft plan.

We think it's heading in the right direction. But to really end bee decline in the UK for good, it needs to be stronger.

Want to be part of the generation that saves our bees?

Sign our petition to send the Government the clear message you want a brilliant Bee Action Plan.

 In partnership with:

The Bee Cause

A plan to save our bees

Last year tens of thousands of you convinced the Government to create a national Bee Action Plan to save British bees.

Now Bees Minister Lord de Mauley wants your thoughts on his draft plan.

We think it's heading in the right direction. But to really end bee decline in the UK for good, it needs to be stronger.

Want to be part of the generation that saves our bees?

Sign our petition to send the Government the clear message you want a brilliant Bee Action Plan.

 In partnership with:

The Bee Cause

A plan to save our bees

Last year tens of thousands of you convinced the Government to create a national Bee Action Plan to save British bees.

Now Bees Minister Lord de Mauley wants your thoughts on his draft plan.

We think it's heading in the right direction. But to really end bee decline in the UK for good, it needs to be stronger.

Want to be part of the generation that saves our bees?

Sign our petition to send the Government the clear message you want a brilliant Bee Action Plan.

 In partnership with:

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