Stop Dog Culling, Start TNRM NOW!

  • por: Chew Mong Wong
  • destinatário: Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Malaysia; Department of Veterinary Services, Malaysia

Malaysia is using culling as a measure to get rid of stray dogs whenever local councils received complaints from public. However it's clearly that this method does not help in controlling the strays population after years of implementation.

Furthermore, certain contractors appointed by the local councils did not follow the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) when carry out the catching tasks, which caused disputes.

We strongly demand the Malaysia government to work closely with animal rescue NGOs, to adopt the internationally recognised TNRM (Trap-Neuter-Release-Manage) measure, as it's proven as the most humane and effective way to control the stray animals population.

We also request Malaysia authorities to take legal action against the workers who violate the SOP during the catching process.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated." —Mahatma Gandhi once said.

Atualização #15 anos atrás
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